This is a list of a few of my recent speaking engagements.
Hosting Con 2011
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where:8th-10th August 2011, San Diego
OSCON 2011
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where:16th-20th July 2011, Portland
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where:7th July 2011, London
FOWA Las Vegas
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where:27th-29th June 2011, Las Vegas
Information Age
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where:9th March '11, London
BP Event
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where:14th-15th Dec , London.
Unilever Innovation Event
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where:14th Dec , Oxford.
European Central Bank Conference
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where:8th-9th Dec.
Cloud Camp
Title: Opening
When & Where:30th November , London.
LEF Management Update (2 talks)
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
Title: Organisational Economics, A lifecycle Approach
When & Where:18th November , London.
Google Developer Day Keynote
Title: Why Cloud Matters
When & Where:16th November , Prague.
Butler Group Master Class
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change
When & Where: 28th September , London.
U.S.A Road Trip
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change
When & Where: 5 states, 7 presentations, 29th Aug - 8 Sept.
BBC Innovation Event
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change
When & Where: 26th July, London.
OSCON Keynote
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change
When & Where: 23rd July, Portland.
OSCON Cloud Summit
Role: Chair
When & Where: 20th July, Portland.
HSBC Event
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change
When & Where: 8th July, London.
ForeShore Event
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change
When & Where: 6th July , Jersey.
Cloud Camp London / Cloud Computing World Forum
Title: Cloud Computing - Introduction.
When & Where: 29th June 10, London
DuPont Event
Title: Cloud Computing - A competitive overview
Title: Lifecycle and organisational shape.
When & Where: 23rd June, USA.
Butler Group ADLM Symposium
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where: 10th June 10, London
E-Crime Congress
Title: Cloud Computing
Presentation on Slideshare
When & Where: 8th June 10, London
Title: Cloud Computing - Introduction.
When & Where: 19th May, London
Leading Edge Forum
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where: 17th May 10, London
FOWA Dublin
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
Presentation on Slideshare
When & Where: 13th-14th May 10, London
Internet World
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where: 27th-29th Apr '10, London
Grid & Cloud Exchange
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
Presentation Video
When & Where: 23rd Apr '10, London
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where: 13th Apr'10, Nottingham
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
Presentation on Slideshare
When & Where: 0930, 24th Mar'10, Manchester
E-Crime Congress
Panel: Cloud Security
When & Where: 0930, 17th Mar'10, London
Cloud Camp London
Title: Forward to the Past, Computing Utility Camp 1966.
When & Where: 1830, 11th Mar'10, London
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change.
When & Where: 1145, 11th Mar'10, London
Unicom Event, Demystifying Clouds
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change.
When & Where: 10th Mar'10, London
WebCiety 2010
Title: Living in the clouds
When & Where: 4th Mar'10, Cebit
Cloud Conference 2010
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change.
When & Where: 2nd Mar'10, London
Record Management
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change.
When & Where: 0930, 10th Feb'10, London
When & Where: 1730, 8th Feb'10, London
Powered by Cloud
Panel: Is the enterprise is ready for cloud?
When & Where: 1415, 8th Feb'10, London
GSK Event
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where: Jan'10, London
BCS Event
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where: Jan'10, London
Cloud Camp London
Title: Introduction to Cloud
When & Where: Jan'10, London.
Cloud Camp Haiti
Title : Why IT matters
When & Where: Jan'10, London.
Grids Exchange
Title : Situation Normal Everything Must Change.
When & Where: Dec'09, London.
Cloud Storm
Title : Situation Normal Everything Must Change.
When & Where: Nov'09, Paris.
Enterprise 2.0 Summit
Title : Situation Normal Everything Must Change.
When & Where: Nov'09, Frankfurt.
Ubuntu Live
Title:Cloud Computing - Private or Public?
When & Where: Nov'09, London.
CSC Client Forum
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change.
When & Where: Nov'09, Washington.
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change.
When & Where : Oct'09, London
Ubuntu Live
Title:Cloud Computing - Private or Public?
When & Where: Oct'09, New York.
LEF Study Tour
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change.
When & Where : Oct'09, San Francisco
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change.
When & Where : Oct'09, London
Title: Why Cloud Vendors lie to you
Video of Presentation
When & Where: Sept'09, London
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change.
When & Where : Sept'09, London
Cloud Camp
Title: Cloud Computing - why it matters
When & Where : Sept'09, Frankfurt.
Cloud Camp
Title: Introduction to Cloud
When & Where: Sept'09, London.
Title: Situation Normal Everything Must Change.
When & Where: Sept'09, Arlington VA
Title: Cloud Computing - why it matters
When & Where: Aug'09, Saint Augustin.
Title: Cloud Computing - why it matters
Video: Oscon
When & Where: July'09, San Jose
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where: July'09, San Jose
Cloud Gaming
Title: Situation Normal, Everything Must Change
When & Where: July'09, London
Cloud Camp London
Title: Opening - What is Cloud Computing
When & Where: July'09, London
Title: Cloud Computing Panel
When & Where: June'09, San Jose
Cloud Expo Europe
Title: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Cloud Computing
When & Where: May'09, London
Web 2.0 Expo
Title: Situation Normal, everything must change.
When & Where: Apr'09, San Francisco
SYS-CON Cloud Expo
Title: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Cloud Computing
When & Where: Mar'09, New York
Title: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Cloud Computing
When & Where: Mar '09, London
Cloud Camp
Title: Introduction to Cloud
When & Where: Mar'09, London
Powered by Cloud
Title: Situation Normal, everything must change.
When & Where: Feb'08, London
Detica Presentation.
When & Where: Dec'08, London
Title: What's all this open source about then?
When & Where: Dec'08, London
Title: Situation Normal, everything must change.
When & Where: Nov'08. Cork.
CloudCamp London
Title: Why standards matter.
When & Where: Nov'08. London
Head 2008
Title: Why open matters from innovation to commoditisation
Video: Head
When & Where: Oct'08. Everywhere.
Future of Web Apps, London
Title: Innovation, the future and why nothing is ever simple.
When & Where: Oct'08. London
Cardiff Web Scene
Title: Why open matters from innovation to commoditisation
When & Where: Sept'08. Cardiff.
Enterprise 2.0 Mashup
Title: Panel Discussion
When & Where: Jul'08. London.
Title: Gang up now before the *aaS cloud gets you.
Video: CloudCamp
When & Where: Jul'08. London.
Title: Living with Chaos.
Abstract: From innovation to commoditisation, from agile to waterfall, from ducks to turkeys. In this session, learn why nothing is simple, why vendors lie, why open source matters and why open standards don't mean portability
When & Where: Jul'08. London.
Butler Group ADLM Symposium.
Title: Potential benefits and pitfalls of Software as a Service and Utility Computing.
When & Where: Jun'08. London.
Enterprise & Marketing 2.0
Title: From Web 2.0 to Enterprise 2.0
Abstract: What is Web 2.0? What is Enterprise 2.0? Why are they important? How do you get ready for the Enterprise 2.0? Why would you choose to use Web 2.0 in a company?
Video: E2.0 Milan
When & Where: Jun'08. Milan.
Web 2.0 Strategy Conference
Title: Why web 2.0? Why now?
Abstract: Today's world seems swamped by terms and new technology innovations, from SOA to SaaS, from computing clouds to enterprise 2.0, from agile approaches to open source. This session looks at the underlying processes of change and explains what is happening and how can we manage it.
When & Where: Jun'08. London.
Title: Why "open" matters - from innovation to commoditisation.
Abstract: This session looks at some of the main themes behind web 2.0, commoditisation, innovation, portability and enterprise 2.0. It proposes that a common pattern exists behind them all, and that the "open" meme is a significant driving force behind these changes.
Video: XTech
When & Where: May'08. Dublin.
Title: Managing a complex world, from innovation to commoditisation.
Abstract: An introduction to the concepts of innovation and commoditisation.
Video: dunnhumby
Butler Group Enterprise Architecture Strategy Briefing
Title: Managing a complex world, from innovation to commoditisation.
Abstract: An introduction to the concepts of innovation and commoditisation and the impact this has on the world of Enterprise Architecture.
Video: Butler EA Briefing
When & Where: Mar'08. London.
Enterprise 2.0 Summit at CeBIT
Title: Joining the dots together: From Innovation to Commoditisation, from Web 2.0 to Enterprise 2.0
Abstract: This final session looks at the main themes from the conference and suggests a common pattern behind all of these. It looks at some of the impacts of this pattern in the Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 worlds and proposes some significant impacts for the future of business.
Video: E2.0 Summit CeBIT
When & Where: Mar'08. Hannover.
Web 2.0 Expo
Title: Short on Storage, Long on Cycles
Abstract: Utility computing takes the ideas of utility energy provision and applies it to the world of IT, so that companies buy computing resources in much the same way that they buy electricity - charged according to metered usage. This market is growing, and will continue to grow in three distinct areas - SaaS, FaaS and HaaS. It heralds in a new way of operating on the web, benefiting developers by reducing "yak shaving", business by reducing non-strategic costs and it may even benefit Ducks. This session covers the concepts, economics, technologies, players, benefits and pitfalls as well as the future development of this field. It also explains what this might mean to those who work in IT, how the relationship between IT and Business will change, how new markets should form and why Ducks matter.
Video: Web 2.0 Expo
When & Where: Nov'07. Berlin.
Future of Web Apps
Title: Short on Storage, Long on Cycles
Abstract: This session covers the concepts, economics, technologies, players, benefits and pitfalls as well as the future development of the computing utility field. It also explains what this might mean to those who work in IT, how the relationship between IT and Business will change, how new markets should form and why Ducks matter.
Video: FOWA October '07
When & Where: Oct'07. London.
Title: Commoditisation of IT and What the Future Holds
Abstract: Modern application development consists mainly of “Yak shaving” or repeated mundane but expensive tasks. Worst of all is infrastructure, which is often under utilized, ubiquitous, and provides little or no strategic value at high cost. The time is right to change this, and open source is the key.
Video: OSCON'07
When & Where: Jul'07. Portland.
Web 2.0 Expo
Title: Commoditisation of IT and What the Future Holds
Abstract: Modern application development consists mainly of “Yak shaving” or repeated mundane but expensive tasks with under-utilized hardware and processing power. The commodization of IT and the speed of change from new and exciting to boring and ubiquitous are quickly changing the way we work and how we view our resource requirements and the cost of doing business. The acceleration of this process means that we need to examine our current thinking on how we make things happen in a faster way and more cost effectively. This presentation takes a walk into the future of commodization of IT and what lies ahead, and looks at how products like EC2,, and Zimki are speeding this process up.
When & Where: Apr'07. San Francisco.
Title: Commoditisation of IT and What the Future Holds
When & Where: Mar'07. San Diego
Future of Web Apps
Title: Commoditisation of IT and What the Future Holds
When & Where: Feb'07. London.
Title: Making the Web of Things
Abstract:In this talk we take a walk on the wild side and peer into a possible future — the growth of printing as a manufacturing tool, printers which print themselves, open source hardware, “Spimes” and the need for a new type of developer.
Video: Euro OSCON
When & Where: Sep'06. Brussels
More Info: My next public speaking engagements are listed here.